A Global Feast: Celebrating Thanksgiving Traditions Around the World




The origin of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the Mayflower, the ship that carried the Pilgrims from England to the New World in 1620. After a harsh winter, the Pilgrims were aided by Native Americans, who taught them how to cultivate the land, hunt, and fish.

First Thanksgiving

In 1621, the Pilgrims and Native Americans gathered together for a three-day feast to celebrate their successful harvest. This event is now considered the “First Thanksgiving,” although it was not called that at the time.



A classic Thanksgiving tradition is the roast turkey at the center of the dinner table. This bird has become synonymous with the holiday, and most families in the United States have turkey as the main course during their Thanksgiving meal.

Side Dishes

A variety of side dishes accompany the turkey, including stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and green beans. These dishes are often family recipes passed down through generations.


Pumpkin pie is the most iconic Thanksgiving dessert, but other favorites include pecan pie, apple pie, and sweet potato pie.

Family Gatherings

Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and share a meal. Many people travel long distances to reunite with relatives and spend quality time together.


Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

One of the most famous Thanksgiving traditions is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. This annual event features floats, balloons, and performances, drawing millions of viewers both in-person and on television.


Watching football on Thanksgiving Day is a popular pastime for many Americans. The NFL traditionally hosts games on this holiday, and many families gather around the TV to cheer on their favorite teams.

Giving Thanks


Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on the things we are grateful for in our lives. Many families go around the table and share something they’re thankful for before diving into the feast.


Many people choose to give back to their communities by volunteering at soup kitchens, food banks, or homeless shelters on Thanksgiving Day. This act of service embodies the spirit of giving thanks and helping those less fortunate.

Celebrating Diversity

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of cultures and traditions that make up the United States. Families may incorporate dishes from their cultural backgrounds or share stories of their ancestors to honor the melting pot that is America.

Thanksgiving Around the World


Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October, a month earlier than the United States. The holiday has similar origins and traditions, such as feasting on turkey and giving thanks for the harvest.


In Germany, “Erntedankfest” is a harvest festival celebrated in late September or early October. Although not an official public holiday, many communities observe the event with church services, parades, and feasting.


Thanksgiving Day in Grenada is observed on October 25th, commemorating the 1983 US-led invasion that restored order after a coup. The day is marked with parades, feasting, and reflection on the events that led to the holiday.


Founded by freed African American slaves, Liberia celebrates Thanksgiving on the first Thursday of November. The holiday is centered around giving thanks, with church services and family gatherings featuring traditional Liberian dishes.

Norfolk Island

Located in the Pacific Ocean, Norfolk Island observes Thanksgiving on the last Wednesday of November. This unique celebration was introduced by American whalers in the 19th century and continues with a blend of traditional American and local customs.


Thanksgiving is a cherished holiday that brings people together to share food, gratitude, and quality time with loved ones. While the United States and Canada are most closely associated with the tradition, other countries around the world have their own unique ways of giving thanks and celebrating the harvest season. No matter where it’s celebrated, Thanksgiving serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude, community, and togetherness.


  1. What is the significance of the turkey in Thanksgiving celebrations? The turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving due to its prevalence in early American diets and its association with the abundance of the harvest. It has since become a staple dish in most Thanksgiving feasts.
  2. When did the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade start? The first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade took place in 1924, making it one of the oldest and most beloved holiday traditions in the United States.
  3. Why is Canadian Thanksgiving celebrated on a different date than American Thanksgiving? Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated earlier than American Thanksgiving due to Canada’s northern latitude, which leads to an earlier harvest season. The holiday is observed on the second Monday of October each year.
  4. Is Thanksgiving a religious holiday? While Thanksgiving has roots in religious traditions, it is primarily celebrated as a secular holiday today. People of all faiths and backgrounds come together to give thanks and enjoy a festive meal.
  5. How can I incorporate more cultural diversity into my Thanksgiving celebration? One way to celebrate the diverse cultures that make up the United States is to include dishes from various cultural backgrounds in your Thanksgiving feast. Encourage family members to share stories of their ancestors or participate in traditional customs from their heritage.

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